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Tico Goes to Work

Writer's picture: stephanienjakesstephanienjakes

Tico Goes to Work: Book 4


Fridays were Tico and Sally’s favorite day of the week because on Fridays she got to bring Tico to work with her!

Sally worked for a small family business that was started by a Greek Immigrant named George. George was a king, hardworking man that was smart and had started a construction business and property management company many years ago. His two sons had taken over and now Sally dealt mostly with “the brothers” as she called them.

George was famous for his generosity to his employees and especially the construction crew. Back in the day, George would cook everyone lunch on Friday. The Greek people were known to be excellent cooks!

This made Sally feel right at home because her own grandparents had sailed over to America from Greece many years ago and ran a very famous restaurant for many years on the Mississippi River. It was called The People’s Café and people certainly loved being there.

Her grandparents had the same warm, welcoming energy that Sally did. Another gift that was handed down through the generations.

So, Friday had a long legacy of being a fun day in the company. Tico was always especially happy to see Hilton because Hilton was always SUPER DIRTY and had lots of good smells, at least Tico thought so!! And Tico just loved to lick him.

Tico was a great dog to take to work. He greeted each person as they came in and was always quiet and well mannered.

One day, Sally noticed Tico had gotten up and gone to the door to see who had come in but all was completely quiet in the other room.

When Sally walked out of her office, she saw Tico and the new police officer that had moved in standing there. He was petting Tico and Tico looked very at ease like this was his new best friend that he’d known forever.

Tico almost always greeted strangers with at least one suspicious bark or two. But not Josh. He was very comfortable with Josh, the policeman.

And Josh really seemed to like Tico as well. And this began a new trend.

Every Friday, Tico would come to work with Sally and Josh would stop by to visit them.

Unknown to Sally, Josh really liked Sally. Sally had no idea. But Tico knew.

One day, Josh asked Sally if he could have her number… “You know, in case there is an emergency.”

“If there’s an emergency, call the police or the fire department,” Sally shot back. “Don’t call me.”

Josh looked hurt but said, “Okay, well you have my number if you need anything.”

“Yes, I do, thank you,” Sally replied, thinking how she had just gone through a tough season of nurses and doctors calling her at all hours of the night when her mother had been sick in the hospital. She didn’t have the strength to endure that kind of nightly anxiety again.

And she did not have a clue that Josh liked her… until…Tico gave Sally the sharpest look.

“Hello! Wake up! He’s THE ONE that God sent for us, momma!” Tico seemed to say as he nipped her heels to move towards the door as if to say, “Don’t let him get away!”

Sally immediately understood. Sally grabbed her phone and texted Josh.

“I didn’t mean to be rude. Please feel free to text me anytime,” Sally told him.

And then, Sally remembered a dream she’d had. And she knew as well.

God gives us dreams sometimes and Sally always understood it was important to pay attention to them.

From that day on, Josh and Sally began talking regularly… and then dating!

On their first date, Josh showed up with a big, juicy bone for Tico. Tico just loved him!

Josh and Sally took Tico everywhere with them… to the store, to the park, and even to Richland Boulevard. Josh even took them to some new places that Sally and Tico had never been before.

Like Calvary cemetery where Tico could just run and run… and to visit Josh’s family. So many adventures, thought Tico. I am one lucky dog!

Tico loved having Josh around… not just because he made Sally happy (which he did) and not just because that bossy Samba the cat loved him (which she did) but because he made their family feel complete.

And on Tico’s birthday, Josh walked in with the biggest gift bag for Tico that he’d ever seen. And it was filled with all sorts of toys and bones!

Yes, sir, I am one lucky dog! Thought Tico as he looked up at Sally. “See momma,” he said with his eyes. “I told you we’d have our own little family someday.”

And he proceeded to chew his bone.




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