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Riddle Me This

Writer: fatheratchleyfatheratchley

Bishop Barron came out with a statement today with a less than enlightening comparison of Joe Biden to Abraham Lincoln.

"...Can you see why so many Catholics, including your humble scribe, find the President’s statements and actions in regard to abortion policy so repellent? The man claims that he objects to abortion, that he considers it morally wrong, and yet, time and time again, in the most straightforward, even strenuous manner, he strives, by word and deed, to make it more available, more acceptable, more legally defended. "In the nineteenth century, the viscerally anti-slavery Abraham Lincoln did not pursue the extreme anti-slavery policy advocated by the abolitionists; rather, he took a more moderate position, endeavoring to hem slavery in, to limit its spread, in the hopes that he was setting it on course for extinction. This was, for the sixteenth president, a matter of prudential political judgment. "If our current president, convinced as he claims to be that abortion is wrong, were to take steps in the direction of curtailing the practice, or if he could have found positive words to say about the Dobbs decision that at least gives individual states the right to restrict abortion, I might see him in the mold of Lincoln. But instead, he presses forward, advocating the most radical pro-abortion policy imaginable, seeking to codify into law the Roe v. Wade and Casey decisions that essentially made abortion up to the moment of birth a matter of legal impunity in our country.

And then Bishop Barron comes up with this wacky conclusion:

"President Biden speaks often of his Catholic faith, attends Mass regularly, and prays the Rosary. I have absolutely no reason to doubt the sincerity of his Catholicism. But I am sorry to say that, in regard to the most pressing moral issue of our time, he stands athwart both right reason and the explicit teaching of his Church." [1]

So, please, will anyone explain to me how Bishop Barron can say he has no reason to doubt the sincerity of Biden's Catholicity, while acknowledging at the same time that Biden explicitly rejects Catholic teaching?



Aug 14, 2022

I was in Adoration and I am writing a book to stop abortion. I sent a three page article I wrote to many pro-abortion politicians in America and to many pro-life politicians to help them. In a nutshell I go over the pro- life arguments and then I tell them that the average person pays in taxes in their entire life $480,407. So killing 63 million babies since Roe V wade passed means that you lost out on $30 TRILLION dollars in taxes. But all of them would be still living so I knock it down to $20 Trillion. I go on to tell them that my book just focuses on Social Security and Medicare and that I have co…


John Gist
John Gist
Aug 13, 2022

Cognitive dissonance.

Aug 13, 2022
Replying to

So crazy, isn't it?! How can B. Barron be considered the intellectual giant people claim that he is? And when will our bishops start confronting pro-abort politicians like the faith obliges? Lord have mercy on your feckless people!


Aug 09, 2022

This kind of loose thinking over identity politics is what allows many Catholics to continue en masse voting for liberal democrats with policies that are undermining the faith.

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