by Fr. Jonathan Atchley

Sometimes I don't know whether what I write is worth sharing. Like this poem, which reflects the Lord's decision to marry his people, the Church. After all, Isaiah prophecies that this will take place: “As a young man married a young woman, so will your Builder marry you; as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you” (Isaiah. 72:5). Of courser, that doesn't mean what takes place is aptly described the way I here imagine. Not to mention that I figured this out just now after waking from sleep. (Mea Culpa, I was up late last night fooling around with a computer game!) So, l won't be too harsh on myself if this little poem doesn't work out. The Lord knows my intentions, and now, so do you, dear readers.
I’m going to marry her!
She is faithful, sweet, and fair.
I love her, and wouldn’t you?
Without needing to see her here,
For she’s someone you know—
Already, intimately, from long ago.
How is it so? I’ll tell you,
But don’t let her yet know.
She’s inside: your heart, your soul.
Ah, I love her, more than I can tell,
But how can I tell her, what is the spell
I’d weave to woo her close to me?
Gentle, generous, joyful, well-met
And kind she is--that's my sure bet.
More (I’d tell her so) in a thousand ways,
With words and hands and eyes that say:
"To me, you are my joy, my treasure,
Dear; my sacrifice without measure,
To which all is held, till
Love’s embrace is gelled."
More than that I cannot say,
For I do not know.
I do not know, but that
I’m going to marry her,
And spend my life just so!