Suzann is a friend and former parishioner of mine. She just emailed me this moving request for prayer. Please pray for Seth. -- Fr. Atchley
Day 4 FB post by his mother:
Most of you know by now that Seth was in a terrible accident early Saturday morning. He was struck by a car while riding an electric scooter. This happened in Georgia where he’s going to college. He’s currently in ICU fighting for his life. I thought it might be easier to update some on here. Please pray for my boy. I feel shattered We arrived around 1 this morning after a long, daunting drive. We were met with hugs by our dear friends who met us in the parking lot. We proceeded to find Tony’s brother and our brother in law in the waiting room. Tonys two sisters are here, as well. This is what family is all about, you guys. I can’t fathom how we would get through this without support. What did we ever do to deserve such precious people in our lives? I didn’t even mention that our friends also rented an Airbnb for us and made sure we had what we needed Seth…oh, my dear, sweet son. Nothing prepared me for what we have to face. I don’t know that I would have recognized Seth. He’s badly bruised and swollen, on a ventilator, tubes everywhere…He seems peaceful and his vitals are currently stable but I fully recognize that machines are keeping him alive right now. As of when we got here, he was totally off all sedation. The concern is because of his extensive brain injuries, he’s not waking up. Sooo…we know nothing. We wait. The doctor said some people with more minor injuries wake up quickly but others, with injuries like Seth’s, could take weeks. Seth’s broken leg and jaw need surgery but they can’t proceed until he’s more stabilized and the neurosurgeon approves them moving forward. How do we process? I cried off and on for 16 hours yesterday. Today, I feel numb and like a zombie. Not sure what to feel. My gentle giant, my sweet,sweet son, I’m so proud of you. We were just together last weekend and were able to make the sweetest memories. I still feel your bear hugs, squeezing me tight. Fight, Seth! We need you to fight.There’s a multitude of people praying for you. I’m right here by your side, fighting for you…pleading with God to spare your life. I’m not going anywhere. We’re going to get through this together. I love you