This is an amended post of the ecclesiological writings
Now it contains summaries so it gives you something to consider because the writings are so long and don't seem overwhelming
Hello my name is Scott, and I'm a theologian wannabe haha!
Nevertheless, I have been humbly putting forth theological suggestions about the meaning of human history and especially in the church, from pondering these things personally over a couple decades, and I have been unworthilly blessed to be present within around seven times in the homiletic and pastoral review.
Anyway, again , I have been pondering scriptural analogies and theology of the divine plan and church history for about 20 years now
Toward that end, I have put forth humbly suggestions for meaning and theology of the ages of the world and of the church on my website called www.theologyoftheages.org
I am posting for any consideration if somebody would like to read, even though it is a terrible amount of content to read if you take your time,...
A theology of the ecclesiological ages of the church in terms of her doctrinal development.
There are around five sequential essays that hammer this out, is long reading, but if you are a devout Catholic who really knows your faith and history at least in the basics, I think you will find it very interesting and i am going to encourage you to possibly check it out
I have also placed some summaries before so that you have some idea with what the subject is so you are not overwhelmed to not try to read it.
Here are the links in sequential order., With preceding summaries for anything you might wish to read.
Thank you so much and God bless
I have all of the ecclesiological articles on my website and built into the nav
Here they are in order in terms of the links
Scandal and the pyramid of Catholic truth
There are five primary sources of Catholic truth
They can be arranged as a pyramid such that the higher on the pyramid you get, some more degree of Truth there is to The Source by itself
Yet at the same time, the more the degree of Truth, the less the evidence to support it as legitimate.
The pyramid is as follows
Trinity and incarnation
Supreme apostolic successor
General apostolic succession and the oral tradition
The written tradition or scripture
Reason or the natural human mind
The devil attacks the church at its weakest evidence first, which is the top, the trinitarian and christological heresies , and works down to the bottom , reason, or our modern day apostasy, until the world doesn’t even accept the most evident truths
The crucified feet of Christ in his toes joined nailed together reveal a one-to-one correspondence between the toes on the one foot and the toes on the other
But just as with the inverse proportional relationship in the sources of Truth between degree of Truth and evidence to support it
So the toes of Christ rise left to right on one foot and fall left to right on the other foot expressing the same inverse proportionality
The crucified feet and toes as image of the ages of doctrinal development
See above , noting that our feet, like the crucified feet, are meant to walk in the way of the truth to follow the truth; hence it makes sense that the theology of the body of Christ’s feet may in fact reveal the doctrinal ages of the church
Music as revelation of the doctrinal ages
To the precise trajectory in which the dragon attacked the sources of Truth within the history of the church’s doctrinal development
The minor ascending scale of a base key reveals this trajectory perfectly,
Insofar as the pure notes of the key Express the attacks upon the sources, sometimes in part succeeded by in full, or simply in one step in full.
The phases of attack are seven just like there are seven pure notes in the key
Amongst the 12 notes, apart from the seven pure notes, there are dispersed at various points the five five flats left over
These notes are discordant relative to the pure scale and so are in a certain sense like the sources of discord that separate the church from the from the religions or movements outside of her that are enemies of her teachings
The amazing profundity Is that this minor scale that is ascending perfectly images the phases of attack in terms of timing and layout
The scale is ascending because the church is ascending in our knowledge of God through the development,
But the scale is sad in nature because at each juncture of development of a source, the sources is attacked by the world
The parable of the laborers as the ages of doctrinal development
Astoundingly, The parable of the laborers incredibly correlates to the minor ascending scale of music when we associated and mapped the 12 notes of the scale with the 12 hours of the day of the parable.
Astoundingly, too, every hour that the laborers go out, it is precisely next to one flat or source of discord source of Truth in the Catholicism, and only one such source, and it covers all five sources within the day at the precise times in the scale!
The apocalypse trumpets part 1
Putting all these things together, the trumpets can be correlated to the musical scale of ascending sorrow and it’s theology based also on the Catholic pyramid.
I know this is one hell of a lot to read but I guarantee it will be fascinating if you are a devout Catholic and knows your faith, how it all pulls together and I really doubt it’s just a coincidence!!
Enjoy if you can!!
Addendum: it’s crazy but I was able to do this all from my phone. I got an FTP app and a text to HTML and I was able to upload everything from the scratch awesome!!!
Powers of these phones are astounding might as well be a computer
Cuz you can do this for free and not spend $500 for Dreamweaver as long as you don’t have something complex it’s astounding!!!