I am a Catholic mom of 8 grown children and grandmother of 16 grandbabies trying to get out of college by finishing my degree in Community Care & Counseling. I need participants for my dissertation research study. My goal is to have 400 participants so my study can be significant. The purpose of the study is to explore, understand, and help faithful Catholics who been civilly divorced. Divorce can cause severe psychological, physical, and spiritual wounds. Satan is out to destroy the family which is the fundamental foundation of the Church. Please share the link to my survey with everyone you know so that I can get the research done 😊 and use it to facilitate better therapies and understanding for those suffering from moral injuries due to the destruction of marriages and families.
To take the survey you must be 18 or older, be a baptized Catholic living in the USA, and have been civilly divorced. Everyone can share the link!!! Please share this with everyone you know!!
Below is an article written about the study for more information.
Pioneering Study on Divorce and ‘Soul Wounds’ (churchmilitant.com)
I'm so very sorry, I cannot participate in this as I do not live in the US.