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Forum Posts
Victor Lawrence
Jul 22, 2022
In Prayer Requests
Hello, As I mentioned in my introduction, I've worked in Christian radio broadcasting many years. I believe that God is calling me to produce Catholic podcasts through my own audio production business. I've been asking my fellow Catholics and others of faith to pray for me in this endeavorendeavor. I've also been asking them to pray for, and donate to my crowdfunding campaign which I've recently started. I'm posting this here to ask all of you to do the same. Please pray for the success of my crowdfunding campaign as donations have been few and small. If you would like to pray for specific aspects of my campaign, here is the link. I'm posting it so you can read what it is I am requesting prayer for. If u would share it with others and consider contributing, I would definitely appreciate it. Please also pray that my finances improve soon so I can put more effort into starting and building the business. Thank you all for reading this, for your help and for your prayers. Here is the link to my campaign so you can learn more about who I am and so you can pray for the campaign specifically. Thank you and God bless you all, Victor
Victor Lawrence
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