Precious Life say shocking new guidelines on killing unborn babies are supported by Political Parties in Northern Ireland. The so-called World ‘Health’ Organisation (WHO) has called on governments around the world to scrap ANY laws that place any restrictions on abortion, and allow babies in the womb to be killed right up to the moment of birth. Precious Life is urging voters to reject at the polls, any candidate who does not oppose the WHO guidelines.
The WHO "Abortion Care Guidelines" recommend that governments allow abortion-on-demand under all circumstances; stop the requirement of a doctor’s approval for an abortion, promote 'pills by post' schemes so that women can be sent abortion pills after a phone call; and curtail medical professionals’ rights to refuse to take part in abortions on conscience grounds.
Precious Life's Bernadette Smyth said, "Anyone with an ounce of humanity will quite rightly be shocked and horrified by these WHO guidelines. But there are Political Parties in Northern Ireland who support every recommendation made by the WHO.
"The WHO say killing babies in the womb 'is a crucial part of health care' and they call for the 'decriminalisation' of abortion.
"Sinn Fein, SDLP, UUP, Alliance, Green Party, and PBP all supported the 'decriminalisation' of abortion in Northern Ireland. (As an aside, it should be noted that they all supported the criminalisation of people who pray outside abortion centres in Northern Ireland). These Parties also describe killing babies in the womb as 'healthcare'. They voted in support of killing babies with disabilities. They support Westminster’s plans to over-ride the Assembly and fully commission abortion here, allowing babies to be killed right up to the moment of birth.”
She added, "Nowhere in the WHO document is there any mention of the right to life of a baby in the womb. In fact, one of the pro-abortion so-called ‘experts’ involved in drawing up the guidelines said the word 'WOMB' should not be used because it’s an 'emotional' word. When have Sinn Fein, SDLP, UUP, Alliance, Green Party, or PBP ever acknowledged the right to life of a baby in the womb?
"The WHO guidelines are also silent on sex-selective abortion, despite the killing of little girl babies being common in countries such as India, Pakistan and China. Sinn Fein, SDLP, UUP, Alliance, Green Party, and PBP's support for sex-selective abortion is evident by their silence on the issue."
Bernadette Smyth concluded, "We reiterate once again - there are pro-abortion candidates standing in the coming Assembly Election who are not fit to hold political office. When candidates from Sinn Fein, SDLP, UUP, Alliance, Green Party and PBP arrive on your doorstop asking for your vote, ask them what’s their views on the WHO guidelines. If they cannot give a clear definitive statement of opposition to them – if they will not acknowledge the right to life of a baby in the womb - tell them you will not give them your vote. We urge people to vote only for pro-life candidates in the Election on 5th May and return MLAs to the Assembly who will protect babies in the womb.”