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Since I've been here for a bit. I'm John "JM" Kraemer. Builder of the annual "Lego Church Project" which is based in Saginaw, MI. For nearly twenty-five years I've been building and displaying the giant church I build out of LEGO. I'm showing that no matter what challenge or disaiblity you face, God can still use your talents. I have a mild form of cerebral palsy so this is a mission that I live. My posts are usually related to faith and disability.
Hi all, I recently found this awesome site! Hubby and I are cradle Catholics, 43 years married, retired pretty much and have 6 kids and 4 grandkids. We live in South-Western Ontario, Canada. My hubby is from a family of 11 kids, one was a priest but was called home in 2020. Wondering what the future holds with all this nonsense going on in society and the Church. Anticipating the Warning. I'm just glad to meet up with others who loves God and their faith and hope to make great like-minded friends here!
Hello everyone. I am Judson Carroll, the new forum Moderator. Please contact me with any questions or concers at judson@CatholicismRocks.org.
Hello All, My Name is Anthony Ademiluyi. I am a Nigerian based Journalist and Writer with a conservative or pro-life ideological leaning. I am the Founder/Chief Editorial Curator of an online pro-life forum - www.thecradlelife.com where we address our opposition to abortion, gay rights, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, IVF, legalization of prostitution etc from an African or Afrocentric perspective.
I am a die-hard fan of Manchester United and love American as well as British and African history. I am available for public speaking engagements on African politics, media, pro-life issues and international relations for an affordable fee. I hope to travel the world as I relish the thoughts of being a globetrotter.
It is my earnest desire to make lifelong friends here and share the rich values of Catholicism and Pro-Life values.
Hi all, I am James Dobbins. I am married, have five children - one is a priest, and I am retired. About time since I am 83. I teach adult religious ed at our parish, St. John the Evangelist in Virginia, and record each class. I make podcast of each class and publish it on the internet. I did this so class members who missed a class could catch up. Turns out we have about 25K people a month all over the world, including China and Indonesia, who download our podcasts and some parishes use them as part of their own religious ed program.
Until a couple of years ago I taught the high school - juniors and seniors - CCD program. We met on Monday night and our house is 25 miles from Church along winding country roads. My wife asked me to stop because she was nervous having me drive these roads alone at night in winter when we often have snow or ice to contend with as well as the occasional falling tree branch.
I also serve as the spiritual director for several of our parishioners.
Prior to retiring, I worked for IBM Federal Systems Division, first as a member of the Apollo Flight Support Team in Houston, and after Apollo 13 I worked on Air Force and Navy programs. While at IBM, I studied law and was admitted to the Virginia Bar in 1982, intending to retire early and practice law as a retirement profession. Things changed and I left the contractor world and entered government service while getting my Ph.D. in Program Management. I taught acquisition management at the Defense Acquisition University until I retired from the government in 2003. I then went to work for MITRE Corporation supporting DoD and the Intelligence Community. I retired from MITRE in 2015. I now write, make functional pottery, and do some consulting. I have written technical books on software quality and reliability, a thriller novel, and a book on Spiritual Growth called Take My Hand.
I am delighted to be here and to help in any way I can.
Hi All, my name is Hugh Hunter. I'm very glad to have found this site. I think Sean is quite right that this is a moment of crisis in the Church and for Western culture. I'm keen to see other people's thoughts on what can be done.
The part of the crisis that I've been especially focused on is the crisis of manliness. Secular Western culture tells men that they should be passive and emotional. But unfortunately, when men turn to the Church for a better way, they often find a view of Christianity that downplays masculine virtues like inner strength, obedience to duty, independence of mind and triumph over adversity. These things are all there in our Christian heritage, we just need to remember them. It's a huge challenge, and I'm trying to contribute a little to it in my weekly blog, the Manly Saints Project. Every week I present a manly saint who would be a good model for young men today.
Beyond that, I have a background in philosophy, and I taught it for a few years at different universities in North America.
Hello! I am John Maranto and I just joined today, 8/12/2022. I joined thanks to being contacted on LinkedIn by Sean Murray. I want to surround myself with like-minded people...especially Catholics!!
I have three children, but my marriage was annulled. I am currently starting my 11th year as a Catholic School teacher and really enjoy it. Teaching is the toughest and most rewarding job I have ever had.
I also joined Truth Social in recent months to connect with conservative people in the USA and the world. I really hope to connect with as many Catholics on Truth Social as I can. If you are already on that platform, please look me up and let's connect! I can be found at the below links. Feel free to reply to this post with your Truth Social and/or LinkedIn info.
Glad to have you onboard Jenny. I am thoroughly enjoying your blogs.
You're very talented.
Hello all, I'm pleased to be a member of this site! I'm from Maine, and I work actively in the Church and through my own mission to help raise awareness about domestic abuse. I also provide support and healing to Catholics who have been or are suffering from abusive marriages. I'm a survivor myself, so this topic is my passion now. The sad statistic is that 1 in 3 women have been or are victims of domestic violence, and that statistic doesn't change based on religion--which means that 1 out of every 3 women we encounter in our churches may be silent victims. It's my goal not only to provide help, healing, and resources, but to further educate the clergy and lay leaders about this subject. I'm affiliated with Pax in Familia, Catholics for Family Peace, and other organizations who support this cause.
I'm also a freelance writer with two active blogs: https://createsoulspace.substack.com is my blog specific to domestic abuse, and https://prodigalparishioner.substack.com is my general Catholic blog. I have a BA in Catholic theology and am studying for my MA in Pastoral Care and Spiritual Direction through Holy Apostles College & Seminary.
My website is https://www.createsoulspace.net
I'd love to write for this site but I haven't yet figured out how to submit articles. If anyone can help, please let me know. Thank you and God Bless!
I am Theresa Osterhaus. I live 20 miles from mt. St Michael parish in Spokane, Wa. I am a 'cradle Catholic'! I never was part of the modernist V2 church, although I was born in 1965. My grandmother and my mom "smelled a rat" in the Catholic Church before I was born and spared me and my brothers from the evils with in the V2 church. I originated from Omaha, Nebraska. By the time i was 8 yrs old grandmother, mom, and 3 kiddos move to north Idaho and then to the beautiful state of Washington where we stayed. I grew up in the Catholic church through Catholic schools. One would think things would be picture perfect. The devil wants souls and badly! Especially those who love the Catholic church and faith. The temptations are many... But by the grace of God, I hold tight to the faith, church, and our blessed mother! I owe them, my grandmother and my mom my faith. God bless!
I'm from Ireland, I love my faith and my country, sadly things in Ireland declined very rapidly. It got modernised and the more modern and prosperous Ireland got, the more the people abandoned the faith. You would be hard pressed to find a more anti Catholic place to live. You would be hard pressed to find a more liberal secular society. This though is happening the world over, the Catholic Church is in critical condition. The clergy are failing miserably....well maybe some of them are actually being successful because a good percentage are out to destroy the Church. They want to bring it down from within. We need to pray for our clergy. However the restoration is not going to come by way of the ecclesiastical Church. It is up to us the laity to bring about the reform, because much of the rot is coming from within. I created this website to see what we can do to help restore the glory of our Church and our faith. Tell us a little bit about yourselves, what made you join this site?