JANUARY 29, 2023
Albanese guard
The cinema which screens pornographic films in central Rome, near the Esquilino, has an Albanese Muslim guard outside.
The cinema does not do much business, if any. There must be competition from the Internet.It is said that Twitter and Instagram are full of porn. This is not the way of God.
In Rome, Bangladeshis, sell liquor in their shops. This would not be allowed at home for them. Muslim pharmacists here are selling condoms.
Meanwhile, other Muslims are imposing Koranic teachings within the churches.

Muslims like Catholics believe in Hell though our understanding of Heaven is different.- Lionel Andrades
JANUARY 13, 2023
Koran threat When the teachings of the Bible are terrorism for Muslim police in Rome then why should the teachings of the Koran also not be labeled terrorism? The Koran used by families of Muslim police in Rome, must also be the same.Muslim police have placed restrictions and conditions on priests and religious sisters.They are not allowed to talk to someone inspired by traditional Biblical teachings. The Koran says, ‘Jews and Christians need to convert’,’ don’t allow non Christians to pray’, ‘kill those who leave the Muslim religion’, ‘ a woman is not equal to a man’, ‘beat up you wife when she is not obedient’, ‘non Christians do not have equal rights as Muslims’, ‘have many wives at the same time’, ‘non Muslims are lesser people’, ‘it is OK to tell lies under certain conditions’, ‘Christians believe in three Gods’, ‘Non Christians must not only believe in God but also in Mohammad’. Muslim activists believe people in Rome should not be allowed to speak to anyone whom, they think, has insulted their religion in any way or will cause others to leave the religion of Mohammad. These restrictions on Catholics in Rome are not there for Muslims who follow the Koran. There should also be restrictions on those who have their children memorize the Koran and then send them to public schools in Rome? The people in general must be cautioned that after Muslim police leave a premise the dustbins must be checked? Caution should be called for when some of them, enter the premises with weapons? It is difficult to tell who is a police man or woman and who is a lay activist. Muslim police have closed churches in Rome. Violence is expected from Muslims, who think these churches do not follow the teachings of the Quran and Islamic tradition. Pope Francis has said every Catholic must accept Vatican Council II. This will be opposed. It says all need Catholic faith and baptism of water for salvation (AG 7).This would include Muslims too. Fr. Javier Monroy is the Rector of the Augustinian Recollect church San Ildefonso and Tomasso Villanova, in Rome. He is not allowed to speak to certain Catholics.It is the same condition for other priests. He cannot allow some Catholics to do the First Reading or to speak to other Catholics. He has to follow the teachings of the Koran.Groups of Muslims have come to his church with physical threats. This has been happening over the last few years, even before he was made a Rector here at the church. The community would even know the ‘regular’ people who came to the church believing they had a right to violence according to the Koran. Masses were cancelled.-Lionel Andrades