Society is collapsing in ways I have not yet imagined. https://75millionunited.com/articles/minneapolis-arts-center-slammed-for-encouraging-family-friendly-demon-summoning
I'm sending out this quick notice just received from a friend to alert and suggest a Catholic alternative to diabolic elbow-rubbing: family friendly rosaries that gather to invoke guardian angels and saints for spiritual protection and guidance. (Frank E. Perretti wrote several novels about the spiritaul war of demons and angels going on around us, like "This Present Darkness", which are much better fare than Dan Brown's novels that sensationalize Christianity).
Satan is not to be trifled with! Learn how to call on your Angel Guradian through humble prayer and frequent solicitation. Angels are here to help, if only we think to rely on them with gratitude and respect.

Fr. Jon, I posted this reply the day you first uploaded it. I must have forgotten to hit Send.
Anyway, I wanted to share a hymn from the St. Gregory Hymnal which was used in grade school when we went to daily Mass, a prayer to one's guardian angel. There are more stanzas, but these are what Nicola Montani, the St. Gregory Hymnal editor selected.
1. Dear angel ever at my side,
How loving must thou be,
To leave thy home in heaven to guide
A little child like me.
2. Thy beautiful and shining face,
I see not, though so near;
The sweetness of thy soft low voice,
I am too deaf to hear.
3. But when, dear Spirit, I kneel down,
Both morn and night to prayer,
Something there is within my heart,
Which tells me thou are there.
4. Oh, when I pray, thou prayest too
Thy prayer is all for me;
But when I sleep, thou sleepest not,
But watchest patiently.
5. Then for thy sake, dear Angel, now
More humble will I be:
But I am weak, and when I fall,
Oh, weary not of me:
6. Then love me, love me, angel dear!
And I will love thee more;
And help me when my soul is cast
Upon the eternal shore.
I finished reading Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's "Open Letter to Confused Catholics" and find it a current depiction of today's world... even though it was written years ago. Then reading "The Book of Gomorah" it's obvious satan has had a master plan from the beginning. I never saw this coming... especially the, almost reverence, given to the demonic. (Did you see the closing ceremony of the World Youth whatever it was? Kids in the audience with red horns on their heads. Our Lord is so patient with us.)