A hitherto unknown stay-at-home mother had a chance attendance at a United Nations Meeting which opened her eyes to the importance of effective organizing for the actualization of pro-life ideals to positively influence the United Nations and other policymakers in the best interest of the family.
In 1999, Sharon Slater couldn’t keep quiet and co-founded Family Watch International – a pro-life NGO in consultative status with the United Nations where she has served as its President since its inception.
In the last two decades, she and her fearless team have uncovered the sinister agenda of the UN to sexualize innocent and vulnerable children, push highly dangerous agendas like abortion, gay rights, same-sex marriage, legalization of prostitution, euthanasia amongst other radical leftist causes.
Despite the virulent criticisms and demonization of her noble work by the mainstream left-controlled global media, she has sturdily stood firm in the propagation of the conservative or pro-life cause.
Her organizational ability is top-notch. She served as the President of the United Families International (UFI) from 2001 to 2006 where she grew the membership from 1000 to over 400,000 in various countries of the world.
She loves people genuinely and is particularly a friend of Africa as her work at the UN has been in the world’s poorest continent’s best interest. She went ahead to adopt three children from Mozambique orphaned by HIV/AIDS and raised them with her four biological offspring.
Her book ‘Stand for the Family: A Call to responsible citizens everywhere’ which I read over a decade ago is an eye-opener to the dark manipulation of the liberals to impose their ungodly agenda on the rest of the world and is a very great book to read.
For her unwavering commitment to the pro-life cause, Sharon Slater is our personality of the week for the Africa focused online pro-life forum - www.thecradlelife.com